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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump was shot yesterday at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania


[VIDEO] Thankfully it was a graze wound to his hear. There are photographs of the bullet that grazed him as he was at the podium speaking. The suspect himself was killed by authorities.

I'm glad certain politicians from President Biden, VP Harris, former President Obama, former Speaker Pelosi, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had put out statements that had effectively condemned this act. We could nitpick over what was said or who said what when, but I don't have time to do that now.

Thankfully Trump was whisked away from the rally and another person at the rally was killed. There two other rallygoers who were critically injured. Amazingly this was caught live on TV, in fact I saw a clip of it via PBD Podcast (in an Emergency Podcast) which showed the rally as it aired on C-Span of all places.

Act of political violence? Well Donald Trump is a controversial figure without a doubt and I consider the reckless rhetoric against him. There were violent displays out there directed towards former President Trump and less use the graphic example of "comedienne" Kathy Griffin holding President Trump's bloody head in a photoshoot during his presidency.

I'd say today we're still in a time of unrest and while we're a long way from that crazy year 2020, it seems things haven't returned to normal since the pandemic.

It's crazy that I'm getting most of the news regarding this assassination attempt from Australia's Sky News which seems even more right-wing than FOX News.

Here's hoping we don't see anymore of this before the Presidential Elections in November or even after.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked with Ben Shapiro - Episode 1


[VIDEO] Watching this documentary from Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire causes me to really dislike Kamala Harris. It did its job, discussing her rise to prominence from the girlfriend of a California political kingmaker to an assistant prosecutor to an elected prosecutor to the office of California Attorney General to the US Senate and then the Vice-Presidency.

She seemed to have "failed up" as opposed to floundering and fading into obscurity. Was it being a woman? Was it her biracial heritage being both Jamaican Black and Southeast Indian? Was it just plain luck that got her where she is now.

And some of her efforts to insure that she could get elected. Her strategy in California probably could be described as cynical. She was willing to seem tough on crime for her own success, however,  what if she only followed the soft on crime dictates of the people who helped her get to the dance.

And then let's not forget her best soundbites against the man she serves with in Americas top offices the President & Vice-President. In a debate in 2020 she tried to use the race card, and again it's cynical because we learn that she lived in Canada and likely wasn't subjected to the racial issues of America.

Of course add to that her awkwardness and her disingenuousness. To be fair, if I've gone that high up it wouldn't be inconceivable that there would be some awkwardness on my end. As a politician however Vice-President Harris is terrible and you know what as far as past VPs go she really fits right in.

Other than recent VPs, how many do you remember from history? Other than her own historical footnotes - as the first woman & first woman of color as Vice-President - will anyone really remember VP Harris?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ami on the Loose: What is Juneteenth - Venice Beach vs. South Central LA


[VIDEO] Ami Horowitz is very entertaining.  Its seems as if a lot of people don't know about this holiday Black or white. Some feel guilty about not knowing much about it.

Juneteenth officially became a holiday in 2021 and some in this video thinks the creation of this holiday is divisive. It might surprise you who might agree that the creation of this holiday is divisive...

Friday, June 14, 2024

Tucker Carlson: Vincent Everett Ellison exposes the lies sold to Black America


[VIDEO] A number of topics I saw when watching this interview. 

Vince Everett Ellison discusses manhood, the need for fathers, and even the origins and benefactors of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King. I didn't see the whole 2 hour + interview but it was very interesting.

Ellison had appeared several times on Tucker's former FOX News program. Now we see a long form interview now that he's started his own platform.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The DC Shorts: California Right-Wing Store Triggers Liberals


[VIDEO] This is funny and I admire this guy's spirit. He has a right-wing store in California and we see the reaction of those people who don't like it.

It starts off with someone looking for a Biden flag and it ends with the owner showing a Fcuk Biden flag. 🤣🤣🤣

You know what how many people display signs or flags with Fcuk Bush or Fcuk Trump. One creative one I had seen once-upon-a-time was Buck Fush....

Anyway if you like what you see support this man at Beachin Seal Beach before some unhinged California leftist actually does shut him down.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

PBD speaks with Tucker Carlson


[VIDEO] This is an interesting discussion Patrick Bet David has with Tucker Carlson, still watching as of this publication and had been going on for two hours. They discussion society, politics, and their backgrounds.

A book recommendation from this The 48 Laws of Power. Think I'll be on the lookout for it. The book was mentioned in this interview.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ben Shapiro Sunday: Not everything is about race - Coleman Hughes


[VIDEO] Very interesting discussion between Ben Shapior and author Coleman Hughes.

One takeaway from this. I never watch The View - and from the clips seen in recent years perhaps that program as it became won't be missed - however it was interesting that Hughes was on that show. He got a better response from the audience than from the panel on the program. Sunny Hostin was said to be on the attack against him.

Again I did see that program so take it with a grain of salt. I might find clips of this, but I found this interesting.

If you're an elite with a massive platform you don't reflect the real views of the people who either follow or watch you. Perhaps it's one sign of who's really out of touch vs. who might hold what I could call common sense views.

I should find his book and read it. We need an antidote to critical race theory.

Friday, May 17, 2024

May 2020 - 'peaceful protests' in Downtown Chicago

[VIDEO] I'm sharing this video from my other YouTube channel Ninth Ward Chicago to show how this were this month in 2020. That was such a strange year we had a pandemic and then civil unrest in many American cities after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Most American cities are still recovering from this activity.

I didn't record much unrest other than some vandalism. I recorded a march right on State Street. And then me waiting on a train to go back home, however, due to the "unrest" aka rioting in downtown Chicago CTA service had been disrupted.

I finally uploaded this video during the 2023 Chicago mayoral race hoping that Chicago would turn the page from the Lori Lightfoot era. Which explains the comments you saw scrolled at the end about how the next mayor should take control of the city.

With this said, Lightfoot left office in 2023 and the jury is out on her successor current Mayor Brandon Johnson. He's a much better communicator and perhaps not as abrasive as Lightfoot, however, he doesn't display the leadership that's necessary to be mayor.

For 2020, IMHO if Rahm Emanuel had run and won a third term as mayor the city would be in a different state at that time than it was at the time. Would Chicago be as out of control as it seemed to have been in 2020? Would the pandemic be any different under him?

Now I hear Chicago could fall behind Houston as America's third largest city.

I might also add that year there was a presidential race which ultimately was won by Joe Biden and 2021 started off with that same energy as was seen the last week of May 2020. And while the pandemic was rough, it has been a rough period under "Let's go Brandon". Will 2024 see different results?

All we can do is stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

'Let's go Brandon' to speak at Morehouse College commencement

Morehouse College 

And there are some objections to this as you will see from this recent NBC Chicago article:

Morehouse College is set to announce that President Joe Biden will deliver its commencement address on May 19, but some faculty members have raised concerns about the decision, according to two people familiar with the matter and an email to faculty members reviewed by NBC News.

“This week, I received an inquiry from concerned faculty about rumors they were hearing about President Biden’s selection as the 2024 Commencement speaker,” Kendrick Brown, Morehouse College’s provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, wrote in the email to faculty members Friday.

Brown said he would convene a virtual meeting Thursday “to extend an opportunity for faculty with different perspectives on the selection of our Commencement speaker to ask questions and make comments.” He said students would also engage with college President David Thomas.
A Morehouse faculty member told NBC News administrators are believed to be concerned that faculty members will join students in protest of Biden during the ceremony.

The pushback against leadership’s decision comes amid increasing protests on college campuses over Biden’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The protests since the war began in October have already forced Biden, and other top administration officials, to dramatically scale back appearances at college campuses.

Ah, OK.

I don't believe President Joe Biden is particularly popular anyway. This will give the school necessary attention as probably happened when President Obama delivered his commencement address years ago.

However, with that conflict going on in Gaza, now I see why the protests. What's popular with students on college campuses is protesting in favor of the Palestinians and against the Israeli responses to Hamas' attacks. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

O.J. Simpson

 Earlier in the past week, the public found out that former football legend & accused double murderer O.J. Simpson had passed away from cancer. The first time I heard about it, I was watching the PBD Podcast while he was speaking with former ESPN personality Sage Steele.

In posts like this it's customary for me to at R.I.P. however in light of his infamy I'm avoiding that. For me, I'm taking no position on whether or not he committed the murder. In my own head a jury of his peers judged him to be not guilty in the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her buddy Ron Goldman.

We could debate - well if it really is a "debate" - whether or not O.J. was guilty of this gruesome murder. IMHO, if he did commit the murder I feel as if his life had unravelled in ways that may signal that perhaps he was part of that. I look at his most recent conviction where he had been sent to prison for robbery in Nevada between 2007 and 2013 when he was released.

On Ben Shapiro they showed clips of him from an interview that never aired on FOX. He discusses in some real detail the murder - I see it was involving his book If I Did It - and his detail seemed too real even if he did call it hypothetical. I see a man who really has difficulty processing what he had done. Another clip showed him joking using a banana like a knife stabbing into the air and mocking the music to the classic film Psycho. Again this just seems like a man unraveling.

Everyone is different for sure, however, killing another human being should take it's toll on anyone. My hope is that if he truly did the crime that at the time of his death he prayed for forgiveness. And however his life unravelled I just hope the first thing that weighed on him was guilt!

When this whole story took place I was still in grade school and making the transition to my high school years. The trial finally concluded during my high school years when my French teacher rolled a TV into the classroom so that we could watch the reading of the verdict. I probably cheered though the case is known for its division along racial lines.

For me in my young head I probably didn't pay much attention to that. It was difficult for me to recognize how someone who was as well-known as O.J. could effectively throw his life away like this. In California, murder either gets you sent to prison for life or they can execute you (California hasn't executed anyone in years, however, they still have the death penalty). 

One of his attorney's on the so-called "dream team" the late Johnnie Cochrane said it best himself years later, Blacks probably cheered because they saw a Black man with money beat the rap. He also stated he'd be sick to his stomach if he learned O.J. had done it. Of course with attorney client privilege I can only wonder if Mr. Cochrane knows the truth himself anyway.

Also I was aware of the racial division of this case. They got the bogey man in former LAPD police detective Mark Fuhrman.  This was at least three years after the L.A. Riots which was the result of a brutal police beating of Rodney King. Perhaps while one segment of the population saw this case for what it was, another seemed to have wanted the "racist" justice system to take a hit by getting O.J. acquitted.

For me, yes I wanted justice to prevail however I wanted O.J. to be innocent. Again I didn't want to believe he'd thrown his life away by doing this. Of course in later years we see how his life had turned out.

In recent years he's shown himself on what he calls "Xworld" formerly Twitter where he rants on things such as sports. He event commented on his health which was one of the last rants he had before his demise was announced on Twitter.

I would say another thing he just failed to avoid or attract was the spotlight. For me, knowing how this "debate" was still going on after his acquittal I've always wondered why he never could stay low?

In his case I'm most certainly fine with the idea that he asked for forgiveness when the inevitable happens. Who wants to think about that part of life? However again I hope he feels guilt over what happened, I suppose we'll never really know how that whole event went down.

One sad chapter is over now!