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Thursday, September 03, 2020

I'm concerned for the future...

A while back I wrote about partisan politics being a solution. Well I'm not sure I made the case back then. During the month of June I was very disheartened by the state of the world. Over two months later I'm still seeing how the world still hasn't settled down.

I've been writing a lot about it lately - in fact it's been years since this blog has seen daily activity. The unrest in the world is all in the name of this very vague concept called "racial justice". And how to get there is convoluted back in June people wanted to pull down statues of not only Confederates, people wanted to tear down any monument to any historically important American.

Since late May it seems people just wanted to protest police. In some cases they want to abolish or defund police and are willing to take to the streets to risk a fight with police officers.

We see some of these people fighting for racial justice believe it's OK to engage in looting as well it's reparations after all. Any business that's been affected by rioting and looting will be alright as they all have insurance. Surely they'll recoup their losses....

I've never before recognized until now that there is a cultural war going on. It's been going on at our universities for years. There is a reason that it doesn't register that if you loot or damage a business that for a business owner you've effectively hurt their livelihood. A business gave a businessperson  an income and this activity in the streets have interrupted that income and there is no bailout coming for them from anyone.

Everyone doesn't want to see the unrest in our cities. Perhaps there are some issues with the criminal justice system and I'm for making reforms, but I'm not so sure what's going on three months after the death of George Floyd. I get the feeling none of this is about any type of justice no matter the qualifier.

I'm sure a majority of Americans want to see this unrest settle down. We're eager to get back to normal. We already had to shut down due to a pandemic it seems there's great uncertainty as far as safety. I'm talking both personal safety which is definitely important and of course the safety of being able to do business.

For the first time in this blog's illustrious history I had to say I'm concerned about the future. My optimism allows me to think the future will be better & brighter. However, the uncertainty is now there thanks to this so-called cultural war.

It's disturbing to write about this, I will admit because usually my goal is to avoid such terms. Now it's really inescapable and I just don't like the direction it's going. The direction I see this going in the media, especially is going towards the wrong direction.

The question to be asked is what can we do about it? 

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