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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Social justice isn't justice

[VIDEO] My favorite saying lately has been right is right, wrong is wrong. I don't buy into this whole idea of social and/or racial justice. Justice should be justice no matter what. What is wrong for one person shouldn't be wrong for another regardless of your race, color, creed, religion, etc.

I just became aware of this video fairly recently from Prager U. It shows why adding a qualifier to justice dilutes the true meaning. To Allie Beth Stuckey of BlazeTV social justice is getting what you don't deserve because you are favored.

I just watched the speech to the Republican Convention of Mr. & Mrs McCloskey as they discuss the issue of safety for themselves and their home. They discuss how they were charged with felonies while the so-called demonstrators were never charged with a crime for breaking into a gated community in St. Louis.

The Republican convention this year has illustrated the unfairness in this country as far as justice for all. The injustice of abolishing or defunding police. The injustice of cities and states unwilling to  prosecute rioters and enforce their laws. Even the injustice of illegal immigrants gaining services that American citizens are forced to wait for.

We need to get back to this idea of justice for all. Perhaps I'd rather see this on the polo shirts of NBA coaches instead of "Coaches for racial justice". The idea of justice for all should be something that we need to talk about more and more.

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