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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dan Mace on his #COVID19 experience

[VIDEO] Usually I avoid posting on Sundays on any of my blogs, however, in this case I will make a exception. Besides, I don't really post a lot anywhere these days.

Dan Mace was mentioned in yesterday's video by big time YouTuber Casey Neistat as Mace himself  - as the 67th case of corona in his native South Africa - stated that he was positive for the coronavirus. Listen to Mace talk about his symptoms as he states that others experienced the loss of his sense of smell & taste. He also noted that this symptom was experience reportedly by others who had been infection with this contagion.

He talks about difficulty breathing, fatigue which are symptoms of this virus. However, its often been noted how these are also symptoms of the flu. He was treated accordingly, however, he was actually tested for the coronavirus and he was positive.

Mace has opted not to monetize this video and wants to educate the public on this. I hope someone see this 10 minute video. Instead of panicking I hope they go to the doctor not only to get tested, but to get treated. If you don't have any major medical conditions, especially the illness will be unpleasant however it will still pass.

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