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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Fun during unrest...


[VIDEO] I don't know who Ricky Rebel is, however, this music video is just delightful. Just when you thought this video was going to degenerate into yet another riot where someone from the loony left aka antifa or BLM just decided they don't like someone so they assault them, it turns into a good hearted music video. I just had to watch this all the way through...

It lets you know who really wants chaos in the streets and it's not Trump supporters or any Republican who's tired of the rioting. The people who want to be on the side of social justice forgot about the successes of the Civil Rights Movement which was made with peaceful protest.

So you can try to act they way BLM is trying to act in Rochester, New York - going into residential neighborhoods and tresspassing onto property over some lethal incident that happened months ago or going into a restaurant chasing away people enjoying their meals and smashing dishes. All you're going to do with that activity is cause people to turn away from you. It won't end well in the long run...

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