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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Black police officer exposes white BLM protests in Portland, OR

[VIDEO] The video above is from a local TV station in Portland, Oregon a press conference with Portland Police Bureau Officer Jakhary Jackson talking about his experiences as a police officer there. I found out about some of his comments in some short-hand videos I will share with you here. This video itself is over 27 minutes as Officer Jackson is interviewed by Lt. Tina Jones.

Here's what is in the description to this video:
Officer Jakhary Jackson of the Portland Police Bureau offers his perspective as a Black officer in the middle of downtown Portland's nightly protests.

"I got to see folks that really do want change, like the rest of us that have been impacted by racism," Jackson said about the early days of the protests. "And then I got to see those people get faded out by people who have no idea what racism is all about, who never experienced racism."

He said almost invariably every time a person of color tries to speak with him while he's on duty at a protest, a white person steps in to interrupt.

"It says something when you're at a Black Lives Matter protest and you have more minorities on the police side than you do in a violent crowd," he said. "And you have white people screaming at Black officers.'"

He said he's also disgusted by people calling his white fellow officers racists, without knowing anything about them.
This causes me to wonder about some things as I continue to watch this video. I've seen too many videos online whether YouTube, Twitter, or instagram and who's the loudest in these protests, demonstrations, rioting it's these so-called white liberal progressives. They're the ones saying f#ck the police as you might have seen in a video a few days ago. They're the ones heavy into talk about white privilege or racism or supremacy. As this officer seems to demonstrate that these people who paint themselves as anti-racist are themselves exhibiting their own white privilege.

They want to be down for the struggle against "systemic" racism, however, they seem to want to stoke the divide. Who knows if this is purposeful or just ignorant. So for Officer Jackson to say anytime someone comes up to him and have a discussion about the issues of the day only for some white progressive come up and tell people not to talk to them with the added language of "F%ck police" really says something.

As Officer Jackson said as he studied history in college, these people have no idea what they're doing They're fighting racism and have no idea that they're using the same tactics used over the years against Black protestors. They're going after Black police officers as if to say shame on them for being part of that system and bashing white police officers for being racist with no evidence thereof (oh I found actual video of that which I may share later).

So anyway I got two videos that bounced off of Officer Jackson's comments. The first is from the YouTube channel of former police officer Brandon Tatum - his channel has over 1.2 million subscribers and is yet another Black conservative voice gaining traction online. He talks about Jackson's comments that you saw relatively early in the above video. I tweeted this last night although I would've liked to have shared that video on this blog at that time. [VIDEO]
And here's a recent video by Anthony Brian Logan where he talks about Officer Jackson's comments as well. ABL notes that some liberals made some references to the size of his nose just as Jackson himself as a police officer was subject to the same comments presumably to his face. [VIDEO]
Finally I understand Portland has been undergoing just about constant unrest there for roughly the past month. I've heard the protestors had been trying to create their own CHAZ only for police to keep disrupting it. Recently a Federal Marshal has been assaulted with a hammer outside of their federal courthouse by "demonstrators" during this unrest and it just shows how serious it's gotten there.

As Officer Jackson states many of the "demonstrators" who come to Portland are coming from elsewhere to cause this mayhem. They don't live there, therefore they don't have much reason to NOT destroy property. This has gone far beyond Black Lives Matter something else has to be at play here.

As stated at least the endgoal during the civil rights was to ultimately gain their rights denied because of the idea that they (Blacks or African-Americans) were deemed not human. In Selma, Alabama in the 1960s you got someone like the late Congresssman John Lewis protesting experiencing police brutality because all they were looking for were the right to vote. In 2020 we've got protests, violence, assault and vandalism by these so-called peaceful demonstrators against racism. It doesn't compute in my mind.

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