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Sunday, February 06, 2022

CNN: Trump responds after Pence "calls him out" in speech


[VIDEO] I've been hearing so much about former Vice President Mike Pence's speech to the Federalist Society recently or I've seen a lot of headlines or even videos about this. I've opted to share this segment from Inside Politics Sunday which discusses this.

Pence was in the hot seat on January 6, 2021 as it had been expected for him to make some moves to insure Donald Trump got a second term. Well he opted not to and stated as much in a tweet before January 6th. He wanted to insure objections were heard and there were objections and would've been more had the U.S. Capitol not been breached.

Regardless I don't think Pence was wrong in his assessment. He couldn't just pick and choose electoral votes to give then President Trump the electoral college edge in spite of the popular vote counts. Let's not forget the "ever popular" Joe Biden has the largest popular vote total in Presidential election history.

One thing the CNN panel above noted was that Trump wasn't as forceful in his response to Pence's comments. And Pence himself didn't say much about Trump's accusations of vote fraud or even if President Biden actually won the election. I just say Pence as Vice President on that day last year was sure his role wasn't to single handedly determine who shall be the next P.O.T.U.S.

However, what I can note is the slant in this report by the above panel. Pence called out his former boss the President. That Trump and his wing of the Republican party are anti-democracy. It seems CNN can't stop talking about the President and in spite for comments made by a former Governor of Ohio John Kasich Trump hasn't lost his influence over the party. Trump can still draw many to his rallies and shows he can remain a potent force. Although who knows if 2024 is a lock for the former President.

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