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Monday, November 29, 2021

O'Reilly: Biden & Harris are TOTAL hypocrites


[VIDEO] I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Bill O'Reilly stops to talk about the latest action by the Brando....Biden administration to curb the latest variant of coronavirus which is referred to as omicron Ο. Travel in and out of South Africa where last year another variant beta Β was cause of concern only to be replaced later by the delta Δ variant out of India. And now we've gone from the Δ variant to Ο.

So anyway what's the hypocrisy? Well in the presidential race last year Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as they ran for President attacked then President Trump's move to restrict travel from China. As you know coronavirus is said to originate in the city of Wuhan in China in the hopes of trying to stem it's spread.

And now Biden is instituting his own restrictions on travel from South Africa. Trump is a xenophobe when he did restricted travel from an area of an outbreak. However if Bran....Biden does it nothing is being said as in nothing to criticize.

Then he starts to groan at the thought of Dr. Anthony Fauci. To be honest I've hardly paid much attention to him during much of this pandemic however many on the right seem to think he's nothing more than a bureaucrat enjoy his publicity. It's also been noted elsewhere of his role in the 1980s in the AIDS epidemic which more recently he's been lauded for.

The question is what happened? Did the Trump presidency send him over the edge?

Well what I can say right now is that if there are shutdowns, this is where Americans have had enough. We don't have enough info on Ο. What's been said about all these variants is that they're more contagious and often don't seem to be anymore dangerous the more it mutates. When we get fed fear when we hear about a variant then it seems we've moved on to the next more contagious variant.

How many more people are hospitalized from it? Certainly how many more have died? Well instead we get speculation and uncertainty about any potential new variants. No end in sight to the many mitigations mandated and someone like Fauci starts discussing the potential for locking down society again. Doing that again will be a disaster...

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