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Friday, July 09, 2021

#Tucker: Churches in Canada burns as PM Trudeau looks on


[VIDEO] One of my favorite YouTubers on IG took aim at Tucker Carlson's segment on a BLM Utah chapter (see the post below) who stated that the American flag is a racist symbol on another nite Tucker takes aim at burning churches in Canada.

I wrote a tweet mentioning Black churches and deleted it believing it was in poor taste. Now a burning Black church would get our attention here in America as it could be considered a hate crime. Historically targeting a Black church has been cloaked in racist intention.

Now however when we talk about burning churches in Canada no less - our friendly personable neighborhoods in the Great White North - Tucker takes a look at the political implications. And the tweet about Black churches was replaced by this.

Ahh, this is what it's about is it. The so-called - and by myself anyway - progressive left liberals don't like organized religion. Actually they don't like Christianity as it represents "whiteness". I've ran into a few online no less who believes burning a church is OK.

Tucker shows tweets from a few in Canada's gov't who seem generally supportive of this destruction. One tweet came from a member of a Canadian civil liberties group who says burn it all down (tweet has since been taken down and account private). I couldn't find yet the other tweet mentioned in the above video from Gerald Butts who Tucker calls a close confidant to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, however this one is even better.
Wait! I got some research to do. These destroyed churches or Indigenous Canadian churhes. So these arsonists are going to these indigenous communities (think either American Indian or Native American - or the very first Americans from whom Europeans stole the new world from) are destroying these churches. 

And the best that Butts can offer is it's understandable that someone would want to burn a church? Really? Aren't the progressive left liberals concerned about people's rights? Perhaps they're not concerned about the right to worship as they please.

Also the response by the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was to only say this wasn't the way to go. Which is hardly a strong condemnation.

This seems like "wokeness" run amok, however, I don't have much information to go on. As a man who rarely attends church services anyway I believe people have the right to worship as they please and strongly condemn any arson on a religious structure. This should be condemned as an other God-given right is threatened.

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