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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Liberal Hivemind: Mayor Lightfoot loses it when questioned about rising crime in Chicago


[VIDEO] The Mayor of Chicago is the second woman and first Black woman and the first LGBTQ to hold that office. She's had a very rough year dealing with a pandemic, civil unrest, and rising crime. She got hammered for stating that she will prioritize interview questions from "black and brown" journalists. She also got into an argument with one of the city aldermen here in Chicago. You might have seen photos of that exchange going around on social media.

And she fell for a troll at a recent press conference that you see documented by Liberal Hivemind. Yes I called him a troll a journalist for Newsmax (who knew 🤷). I've heard of the antics of one William J. Kelly and he's not a very popular personality, I would dare say with Democrat pols. There is video of him "crashing" a press conference with Illinois U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin and Durbin simply tells Kelly, would you please leave.

Well, I think what you see in this video which actually was reported by a local station our local FOX affiliate is likely emblematic of the Mayor's issues as far as being the chief executive of America's third largest city. As one recent column stated of her "she's just not good at this". Or to put it in my own words she wasn't ready for this role. It's very rare that someone can come off the streets and do well.

While Lightfoot doesn't exactly come off the streets though she's not doing well. When people say that former Mayors Daley and Emanuel knew how to "work" with their city council, it's becoming clear that Lightfoot can't get along with them. I would dare say as she referred to Gov. Pritzker as her partner during this pandemic it's become clear they're not exactly great political partners also.

It's becoming clear that she's a one-termer. She could resign and give it up to someone who'll do better. She could also announce as the state goes into political mode for the Governor's race that she won't run for another term which is very ideal. Or heaven forbid she actually goes for another term and surprisingly wins a second term.

While I like to remain optimistic, sometimes reality sets in. Just think Rod Blagojevich in 2006, he really should've lost that year and he didn't. I blame a wave year in part in addition to other factors.

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