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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Who's Casey Neistat voting for?


[VIDEO] You're going to have to watch the video to see who he votes for. With that said if you've been watching his videos over the years you shouldn't be too surprised. Especially if you've watched another video he shared from earlier this past summer about "systemic racism"

I do get the sense, however, that politics isn't his forte. That as part of his appeal he doesn't always talk politics or social issues. In one of his videos many years ago he does approach covering the 2016 election and the inauguration of Donald Trump as President. He wasn't happy but wants to maintain his fanbase whether they're Republican or Democrat.

Regardless he expresses how not very happy about the state of American politics currently. Many weren't that happy in 2016 with who's running. And of course many aren't happy who's running in 2020 either and one of the people running is an incumbent.

The hat Neistat shows is hilarious and to be honest I wouldn't mind being caught wearing it. I can only imagine the looks once people read what it says. However, if they didn't care what it says it'll be just another Make America Great Again hat.

Perhaps I'll show you the hat like the hat you see in the above vid that I would really like to wear.

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