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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Legal Insurrection: Leftists Are Physically Attacking Trump Supporters Just Like They Did in 2016

 The funniest part about this is that the left or the progressive liberal in 2016 thought there was no way they'd lose the election to Donald Trump. They didn't think America would vote for someone who in reality was unproven as a political candidate. They were proven wrong, as often stated the election of Trump as President was America's way of saying no to the same old, same old.

Of course now that it's entirely possible that Trump could win re-election it seems violence is becoming a thing. And there is an uptick in incidents against Trump supporters, however, depending upon what source you read you might not hear much about it unless you read Legal Insurrection for example. ;)

Well we have until Tuesday to know how this election will turn out.

h/t Instapundit 

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