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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Tim Pool: NYPD Commissioner calls activists spoiled brats


[VIDEO] I give Kudos to the NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, hopefully when he says this you have the ear of one Mayor Bill de Blasio. Shea is correct in his comments:

She lashed out against the protesters on NY1 Tuesday morning, saying the NYPD’s limited resources shouldn’t be used to curb “spoiled brats.”

“We’re chasing knuckleheads who are breaking windows, causing property damage, making graffiti and lighting fires,” he said. “That’s the last thing people in New York City need."

“At a time when there is an uptick in crime we don’t need officers pulled away for I don’t know what you call them,” Shea added. "I’m not calling them peaceful protesters. I’m calling them spoiled brats at this point.”


Two dozen people were arrested in Manhattan early Tuesday when a protest over a man killed by Texas police ended in arson, vandalism and confrontations with police — activities that drew a sharp rebuke from NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, who called the demonstrators “knuckleheads” and “spoiled brats.”

About 100 people took to the streets near City Hall about 9:30 p.m. Monday to express their outrage over the death of Johnathan Price, a former college football player who was killed by police over the weekend as he tried to stop a domestic assault at a northeast Texas gas station.

After trying to block the street near Centre and Chambers Sts., protesters made their way up to Broadway near Washington Square Park, where several windows were broken and buildings were marred with graffiti, officials said.

Several small fires had also been set before police rounded up most of the protesters by Astor Place and Broadway and placed them under arrest shortly after 12 a.m., cops said.
Fourteen of the marchers were arrested for unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct and obstruction of government administration, officials said. An additional 10 protesters received summonses.
Nine of the 14 arrested protesters lived in the city, cops said. The rest live upstate or in states like Georgia, California and Ohio. At least one of the arrested protesters lives in Texas, officials said.

They were acting crazy over a police involved death in Texas. Anything that happens to a Black person anywhere spawns protest anywhere.

And again another distortion of a Dr. King soundbite: "Rioting is the voice of the unheard". These individuals have nothing better to do and causing more harm than good. 

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