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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Want to live in either a blue or a red state?


[VIDEO] This video from Prager U was presented by Freedom Works economist Stephen Moore. The differences between these so-called progressive liberal blue states vs. these conservative red states.

Extrapolated for our purposes as the viewer are the differences between California, Illinois, and New York vs. Florida, Tennessee, and Texas. The progressive liberal states who have these well intended policies that are supposed to be beneficial towards minorities, low income, and the working class vs. the idea of the state that governs least is most beneficial towards the same groups.

I want to share this with in that same vein and shared a video about that earlier this summer. Moore even notes the circumstances of Minneapolis, Minn that is noted in this Stossel vid.

I would also offer this example with regards to California, bad policies are causing people and companies to leave. There is an interesting discussion there with regards to Illinois here in this post where Ben Shapiro talks about leaving California with his company.

Incidentally I found this meme via John Ruberry on Facebook it fits how some view the situation in Illinois

Since a centerpiece of the above video is basically taxes, this has become a sticking point in this state. The man you see above is the Governor of Illinois J.B. Pritzker and part of his platform to knock off incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner was what he's referred to as a fair tax. What he wants is a progressive or graduated income tax in this state.

When our state's constitution was written in 1970 it allowed the state to levy a flat income tax (Article  IX, section 3) at that point in time. From 1818 to 1970 - and also bear in mind income taxes were allowed federally by the 16th Amendment - in Illinois residents didn't have to pay an income tax. Levying a state income tax helped cost then Gov. Richard Ogilvie his job as this state's chief executive.

In this year's presidential election Illinois voters will yet vote on another amendment to the state's constitution allowing for a graduated income tax. I get the idea that there is a good chance it will be defeated and Gov. Pritzker has already created a scenario as far as this amendment not succeeding. If it does or doesn't succeed this could be another reason Illinois residents could leave the Land of Lincoln.

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