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Thursday, May 14, 2020

To make a change

From my experience, however, small making a change is hard. In my case, changing jobs especially if you're the one handing in your two-week notice is a tad scary. It's very easy to give in to a comfort level and stay in one place. It especially easy if you know the environment and what to expect, however, sometimes to take the risk and so something different is what's necessary.

It's been a few years since I've listened to WBBM-AM regularly and I know the voice of Felicia Middlebrooks. To see her open letter on WBBMs website about her decision to leave her position at the radio station gives me some good vibes. Perhaps that letter is for anyone who decides that it's time to do something different and to take steps to move forward.

If I read her letter correctly she''s been with WBBM-AM for 36 years. And at some point she went back to school and got an MBA, she also mentioned she got a degree in film. So that's certainly an indication how committed she is to making a change in her life.

Not to make more of Middlebrooks' change if she spent many years on the radio and made moves to do something different, what's our excuse. Some of us want to do something different and don't know how all it takes is a start.

For me personally I've been desiring to return to school and especially to open up the possibilities as far as jobs for example. All it takes is to make the necessary moves and get started for example going back to school.

As already stated making a change is hard. It's really scary to take a chance and hoping for the best. For those of you who are in that boat as Middlebrooks' I hope for the best for you all! 

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