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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ken Coleman: Guy applies to 1K jobs


[VIDEO] Coleman is a Ramsey personality who views and critiques this man's video via Logical Finance where he applies to 1,000 jobs. Well actually he realized he applied to 1,003 jobs using different styles of resumes. He might use a resume with a graduating college senior or with only a high school diploma. He might use different names.

The results is that if he applied for 1K jobs he only  got a quarter of responses so about 250 about of 1K. I think the main critique is that the processes of these companies are broken. They don't adequately advertise what they're looking for in these positions. They have an entry-level position posted yet reject applicants because they have no experience.

And of course since the pandemic companies have had issues trying to recruit people. I can say from my own experience that companies right now are attempting to sweeten the pot with a higher wages. This is probably an extension of the idea of raising the minimum wage and my stance on that is it should be up to these private companies what their price floor is as far as wages.

Another takeaway from Ken Coleman is that you shouldn't just rely on a resume to help get you a job. I've been saying this about student loans - betting future earnings on student loans is a bad bet. Well playing the "resume lottery" is a bad bet and the returns won't be that great. Connections get the job to know someone who knows someone will move you forward. A piece of paper won't get that great first impression across.

Of course that's not to say don't craft a resume. Your connects want to see a resume anyway of course. I just think the issue is that it's just very difficult to stand out from the crowd. It doesn't matter if you want to be a fast food cook or some hot shot middle manager, job hunting is competitive. How will you place in the competition.

BTW, in my experience I feel as if connections didn't help when I looked for a job. It might depend upon the connections and perhaps the types of jobs they pursued. I've done better on my own, however, to be honest I'm still looking for that well paying job and that ideal position - just not sure what that is though. Regardless I'm doing fine where I am, however, always looking for something better.

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