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Thursday, March 03, 2022

Larry Elder: These WOKE officials did THIS and the city RECALLED them!


[VIDEO] While the situation continues to develop in Ukraine as I see that Russian forces are attacking Europe's largest nuclear plant there let's come back home for a moment.

In conservative circles we hear so much about how San Francisco residents recalled three members of their board of education. They got tired of the issue being rename schools on a woke basis instead of working on returning kids to school. I like the idea of bringing back common sense instead of unworkable wokeness that defies logic. Larry Elder discusses this further.

In this case here's a lesson for conservatives. Move where you want but be very concerned about what goes on in your city hall or school board. It seems the hot button battles of this cultural war will in fact be fought in those local venues.

And besides as Chicago will eventually get an elected school board this will be another local venue to fight the cultural war as well. I hope parents will use their votes wisely for school board, the children are counting on it.

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