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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Yankee Stacking: Silver dealer weighs in on Afghanistan


[VIDEO] I've been watching a lot of videos on collecting gold and silver lately. There is a lot of discussion on finance of course with precious metal stacking it's usually a matter of investments. How much will your money be worth if you keep it in a savings account when we might run into huge issues of inflation as is an ongoing concern under a Biden/Harris administration.

Of course another aspect of finance as discussed in this recent video by Yankee Stacking talking with his silver dealer about world events. Will the U.S. $ remain the world's reserve currency - that is other central banks hold our dollars in reserve? Of course with the embarrassment of Afghanistan which is ongoing, how much faith does the world have in the American $?

The silver dealer in the video above believes the $'s time as a world reserve currency is through! 

BTW, I wish economics wasn't one my weaker areas of knowledge. :(

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