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Monday, September 21, 2020

Tucker: The left’s extreme reaction to Ginsburg’s death


[VIDEO] You know I can possibly agree that President Trump shouldn't appoint a new justice until after the election, what I think is sad in this situation is how the left isn't really allow the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to rest. They're cursing her for dying while Trump is still President.

Why is everything so political? Why did it have to go there? She dies and people are upset about it.

And it could also be argued President Trump may not have to adhere to Justice Ginsberg's final wish as far as who her replacement will be or when they will be considered. Besides the President whether Trump and hopefully not Biden will make the appointment. They will consider who they want on the bench - well I don't know about Biden he may appoint what the rabid left wants on the bench.

Either way a sad state of affairs in America right now...

BTW, one example of a reaction to Justice Ginsburg's death. Perhaps it's not legit but is it a shame that's it's believable?

ALSO, another thing of note in this monologue by Tucker Carlson. A man killed himself because the mob was successful in forcing a prosecutor in Omaha, Nebraska - of all places - to charge a man who was forced to defend himself with manslaughter. Just remember what happened in St. Louis, Missouri over the course of this past summer a couple was being targeted by authorities because they went outside of their property with their firearms against those who were fighting against racism in America while trespassing...

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