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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Latte Liberals


[VIDEO] I have to go back for a second and note that Al Sharpton was in Kenosha, Wisconsin not long after the unrest there began to settle down sharing a stage with the father of one Jacob Blake. Blake's father's comments seem to pronounce America guilty of it's treatment of Black citizens.

And then I see Al Sharpton isn't with those on the left who think the solution to police mistreatment is either abolishing or defunding police? To be honest, I got to give props to Sharpton for taking this stance and aiming his comments at these so-called latte liberals (or limousine liberals).

Remember what I've said on this blog already. The real white privilege is from those who want to abolish or defund police stating that Blacks are better off without police. Nevermind mind the reality that there are a segment of Blacks who live in communities that require policing effects.

Some Black neighborhoods aren't like the neighborhoods of these latte liberals. It's very easy to say f*ck police when you live in a neighborhood that's relatively very safe and economically well-to-do. It's very easy to live in a penthouse and declare police a problem, however, being very ignorant of what's going on in low-income communities that are often unsafe.

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