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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Larry Elder remembers Herman Cain

[VIDEO] This is a rare Sunday post on this blog since for the last few years I tended to take Sundays off, but it's necessary to share this recent video where conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder talks about fellow conservative Herman Cain. Cain died last month due to the coronavirus which he contracted at a campaign rally for President Donald Trump in Oklahoma.

Elder notes that Cain made an appearance in his documentary Uncle Tom which is basically a film about Black conservatives. It's fitting tribute to Cain who's had great success in his life, especially after attending Morehouse College which I know is a small part of his many accomplishments. And who knows years before I would know the name he would be seen on TV asking future President Bill Clinton a question about health care - because you know that was a big issue before Obama made it cool.

One take away we can complain about racism all we want, but what it takes in this life is hard work. Cain put in the time and it paid off, especially in the business world. Don't let the talk you hear in the news or even on occasion in the streets fool you. We're in stressful times, but if we work hard we'll get out of them.

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