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Monday, August 24, 2020

Jordan Peterson vs. SJWs

[VIDEO] If I've never before shared anything about Jordan Peterson I do apologize.

Peterson is an academic from Canada as you see in this video from Reason with John Stossel - uploaded to YouTube over two years ago - proved to have some controversial views which includes whether or not he will refer to anyone according their preferred pronoun. I'm sure there are those who consider this whole pronoun issue a very small issue, unfortunately because Peterson has an issue with it (gov't shouldn't compel him to respect an individual's pronoun) the left chooses to attack him. As you see the left couldn't help but disrupt a talk he was trying to have.

Regardless, perhaps what he says near the end of this video is prescient is his defense of "individual sovereignty" as opposed to this idea of a "tyrannical patriarchy". Tyrannical patriarchy could go hand-in-hand with "willful blindness".

As I share this with you before I hit the sack for the night, I see that Kenosha, Wisconsin is undergoing unrest tonite. There was a police shooting of a Black man and the community up there is going up in flames. Unfortunately the fact that another Black person has been shot by police - the victim Jacob Blake as far as I can tell remains alive.

It lets me know how we still haven't settled down since the initial protests unrest after the death of George Floyd, however, I can't help but wonder if the issue of "willful blindness" is at play here.

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