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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Rubin Report: Nearly attacked on camera. Why are mayors allowing chaos?

[VIDEO] The video you see at the 2 min 14 sec mark during this segment featuring Dave Rubin and Dana Perino was something I saw Tuesday nite. Two people were about to be assaulted by someone who came out of the shadows with their bullhorn. A big burly guy who I hope was a bodyguard of some sort blocked this person from doing any real damage, however, as I see from this clip got dangerously close to one of them.

What I didn't know is that CNN NBC's Andrea Mitchell and DC's US House delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton were the victims of this attempted assault. I think it had to have been Andrea Mitchell who asked "Where are the police when you need them?"

Heh! Let me engage in some political or social commentary here.

In the wake of the callous arrest and death of George Floyd one of the more shocking things I have ever seen was the attempt by rioters, vandals and protests who came to attack CNN. They broke some windows and vandalized CNN's logo. For some reason those folks in Atlanta as they protested for Black Lives Matter just did not like CNN or went after them.

You know my response to this: "Why would they attack CNN - the most trusted name in news?"

In the wake of what has happened in the wake of that last weekend in May, what if I told you that I have been watching a lot more news lately. What if I told you that I had been watching a lot more ideological YouTubers or better yet more news analysis YouTubers lately.

What if I believed these are orchestrated attacks? What if I said these rioters, looters, or vandals were attacking CNN or that person on the street attacked Mitchell and Delegate Holmes Norton because they represented the establishment. It matters not that they may themselves represent liberal, left or progressive ideas. They all represents institutions that they want to remake in their own image.

For a moment I didn't get it myself, but now I do. It further causes me to realize that perhaps the disturbances we've been seeing lately it'll take time before they calm down. I also hope for both CNN - or actually media since Mitchell is actually employed by NBC News - and Del. Holmes Norton that they view this as a wakeup call. Downplay these so-called activists if you want to, they won't care in the long run that you're sympathetic to them.

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