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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

WrestleMania 36 #FireflyFunHouse secret explained

[VIDEO] WrestleMania 36 will be interesting considering the time during which it was produced. It feature two cinematic wrestling contests, many title changes, and it was too big for one night. See WrestleMania 36 would've taken place in a football stadium in Tampa Bay, Florida with roughly 70,000 in attendance. The problem was a worldwide pandemic artfully referred to by Stephanie McMahon as "current circumstances"

The video above by Wrestlelamia explains the imagery you see in one of the cinematic contests of WrestleMania weekend which is the Firefly Fun House match between John Cena and Bray Wyatt or The Fiend. From the comments I've seen online it was often panned but what I appreciate from the video above is the many explanations for what happened during that match. You might even see Titus O'Neil''s confused expression at the conclusion of that contest as he wasn't sure what he saw.

There seemingly was a lot in there and what should be conveyed in that "match" is that we're looking at Cena battling his past. Whether or not he was a wrestling fan who was watching the old Saturday's Night Main event and by extension the comparison with Hulk Hogan in the portion where they mimic the NWO and Hogan's heel turn in WCW. Then we look at key moments of Cena's career from his debut slapping the legendary Kurt Angle before a match and his eventual character development as the Doctor of Thuganomics. We see how Cena's career had developed.

I this video you see that Cena had heat with superstars. He held other performers back to certainly protect his position as a main event guy in WWE. And I suppose during this whole "match" we saw a point where Cena could've built a new star in Bray Wyatt and chose not to.

We also find out that Cena had a failed "rap career" and that in the beginning he was almost fired from WWE. If he had never became the Doctor of Thuganomics he would've never gotten close to the dance.

Regardless in this "match" The Fiend claimed yet another WWE legend. However, I have to add that one could say Cena was his own opponent. I don't know if you can call this a match, it seemed more like a dream sequence. It probably took place in the mind of Bray Wyatt and somehow Cena was caught up in it.

When Cena came out to his entrance music and then the scene transitioned to Bray's Firefly Fun House. I couldn't tell if any commentators were at the desk in the empty arena at the WWE Performance Center. So I find myself wonder if this "match" was nothing more than a dream sequence.

With this said, the Firefly Fun House match was a memorable moment from this past weekend's WrestleMania. It held my attention as much as the Boneyard Match between AJ Styles and the Undertaker. Both told very unusual stories and I have a hard time believing either match would be seen as it were in a live venue with so many fans. I think we'd get a typical WrestleMania match if this pandemic hadn't hit.

Also bear in mind finally that this WrestleMania was taped in advance, it wasn't live as it usually would be. I'm glad WWE went ahead and produced this PPV with the line from Ms. McMahon that the world needs entertainment more than ever. So many of us who have been sheltering in place may have found something on both nights that entertained them.

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