[VIDEO] To that statement I wholeheartedly agree from Newsmax's Tom Basile who addresses the idea of V.P. Kamala Harris going to the Supreme Court of the United States and resigning her role as Vice President of the United States. I think that her no longer being a heartbeat away from the presidency would be a plus. Regardless she does check off the box of being a Black woman and yes she does have experience as a prosecutor, state attorney general and even a former U.S. Senator.
However could this ploy be a distraction?
How is Kamala a "Black" woman?? Looks mighty white from here. Might as well call "Beto" O'Rourke black while you're at it. Skin color is no qualification for any job, because isn't racism wrong no matter who does it? And her legal experience pales to many other current and former Supreme Court justices. She's never heard cases and ruled on them--a far cry from being prosecutor and AG. She doesn't belong on a circuit court, far less the US Supreme Court.
Let me correct you there Anon. Like our first Black president VP Harris is biracial Indian and Jamaican. I won't just based on her appearance although you may well be right about her experience to be a Supreme Court Justice.
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