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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Joe Biden = James Buchanan


[VIDEO] That's not the argument that Liberal Hivemind makes, he's only saying that Sleepy Joe is our worst president in modern history. And emblematic of that is the fall of Afghanistan to the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban.

We already took Afghanistan from the Taliban in 2001 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. And now 20 years later we announce a full withdrawal and Afghanistan as it was built over the last 20 years crumbles fast. We've only been into the Build Back Better administration seven months and it's been rough

James Buchanan in history is considered one of America's worst presidents. For one thing he preceded Abraham Lincoln and when honest Abe won the 1860 presidential race becoming America's first Republican President of the United States that's when the southern states of America began to secede. Pres. Buchanan was still in office and he did little to keep those southern states in the union. He tied his own hands believing he had no power to keep the union together.

Now Biden's administration is a bit of a different situation. I won't call Buchanan incompetent, however, Biden wasn't ready. He gets elected due to Orange Man hate thought at least Orange Man with some disadvantages - never was before elected to any political offices - was very able to run a vast nation. Biden had many years as a U.S. Senator and Vice President and it's not going well at all! 

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