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Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Prager U: What do we do about the homeless?


[VIDEO] Chris Rufo discusses why homelessness has become an issue in many places around America. He specifically notes that cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle have severe issues with homeless. They created a place where homelessness is tolerated.

If you allow people to set up tents on a city street and you do very little solve that problem then what do you expect. A lot of these people need help I don't want to put them in a box because the homeless have varied issues whether mental health, substance abuse or even just hard on their luck. I will no longer pretend that I know how to solve this problem.

At the same time if you saw what I saw a few years ago in Skid Row, Los Angeles how can we not decide to try to solve this problem. It's not compassion to allow these individuals to live their lives on the streets. And at least we see a city like Houston, Texas comes to grip with these issues.

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