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Friday, October 23, 2020

Took this political compass quiz

 I wanted to share the results of this political compass quiz that I had taken tonight. To be honest Imm not sure what this means, but if I judge the chart correctly I'm trending towards libertarian and slightly right of center.

This other pronouncement I don't understand 

Your Political Compass
  • Economic Left/Right: 0.13
  • Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.44

Well I suppose I have to read this like a mathematical graph that you might be familiar with if you take an algebra or geometry class. The quiz itself isn't perfect, but it's interesting. Perhaps if I can figure out how to share it you might see my certificate of taking this quiz. 

I would also like to share with you this from my Shedd School blog. I share a video from another guilty YouTube pleasure. A teacher named Mr. Beat who took this same quiz and answered questions as if hes each of the 44 men who held the office of the Presidency. The results were quite interesting.

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