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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Prof. Glenn Loury on systemic racism, Trump & BLM


[VIDEO] This video is almost an hour long of Prof. Loury with former deputy prime minister of Australia John Anderson. I was a bit worried that this would become a more slanted discussion of how bad America is, and it started off very well.

We go through Loury's background. He got sidetracked, he got married young and had children young. However, he just got to work went back to school got his undergrad done at Northwestern University (Go Wildcats and no I never went to school there). Then got his doctorate in economics at M.I.T. He's currently an economics professor at Brown University.

This is a pretty good and honest discussion about what's going on in America right now. They recognize the situation with police right now as many politicians don't have the back of officers. Demoralized by calls for not only defunding, but abolition. And certainly just outright villified by those who are very much into the narrative of racist police.

Another thing that's part of this discussion is how, Loury has spent his time in academia looking at the issues within the Black community. He may not be dismissive of "systemic racism", however, it's just one part of the disparities he's looking at within Black communities.

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