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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Last night's debate: Debate of the Century!


[VIDEO] I only caught the last half-hour or so of this debate. Trump is a fighter and defies convention in his debates, he speaks his mind. Unlike last year when he was the insurgent or disruptor and it likely resonated with the American people whenever he went after "Crooked Hillary" declaring she'd be in jail, he's the President now. Perhaps what he did as a candidate in 2016 probably doesn't come off well as President in 2020.

Here's Mark Dice analyzing last nite's debate looking at what was said on the "Fake News Media" and of course analyzing some of what happened during the debate. If I believe Dice, he might say Biden didn't do that great last nite. And it seems among many on the right most believe the President had to debate two people last nite, Biden and moderator Chris Wallace.

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