
Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Reason: California’s Recall Is a Revolt Against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Progressive Agenda


[VIDEO] This video is a few days old and feel it's worth sharing now as we're in the month of that recall election. Sept. 14th it's real and Californians will decided if Gov. Gavin Newsom needs to go and California can get its course correction. If Californians vote that Newsome must go, then they get to vote on who will replace him until the end of that term in 2023 - as 2022 is the regular gubernatorial election there and a number of other states around the nation.

So whoever wins in California (I hope it's Larry Elder) they'll have to turn right around and run for re-election next year if they want a full four years.

Regardless this video by Reason goes over the scene in California. Why is there a recall election? I mean we know why Gov. Newsom just isn't that good, and people are fed up with his actions during the pandemic. And then what those candidates who actually did talk to reason hope to do to change California for the better.

Issues include the pandemic, the economy, energy, the homeless, and crime. It's a shame that for such a wealthy and beautiful state - Newsom states in this video that the Golden State is the 5th largest economy - that it seems California has become a state with a horrible standard of living. It's not the model that Gov. Newsom wants his state to be.

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