
Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Stossel: Toxic victimhood


[VIDEO] John Stossel discusses "Woke Racism" with author and academic John McWhorter who wrote a book called Woke Racism. The work of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi are considered toxic and much worse for Black Americans in the long run. 

Painting one group as irredeemable racist and the other Blacks as victims. Having whites get on their knees and apologize for generations of racism. Even insisting that no matter where you look there's racism such as academic tests. Oh yeah Black students don't need to test better we just need to eliminate test because they're racist.

As far as criminal justice. Well the criminal justice system is racist, it's racist to keep Black boys from bullying other Black boys because Black boys are disproportionately affected by in school suspensions. Therefore the most aggressive Black boys must not be held accountable for their actions.

There is some light under the tunnel, Stossel argues that the so-called "anti-racists" like DiAngelo and Kendi seem to be winning. I personally think the "race riots" after the death of George Floyd was heavily affected by the pandemic related lockdowns and economic inactivity. McWhorter believes that as we start to get back to some form of normal and become less anxious that there will be pushback against "toxic anti-racism".

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