
Thursday, September 09, 2021

Liberal Hivemind: Sen. Cruz triggers progressives by saying 'Get a job'


[VIDEO] This video is funny and shows the hilarity sometimes on Twitter. While often I use twitter to comment on what I see on wrestling it's not often that there are any comments on politics aside from sharing posts from this blog.

But it's hilarious that someone is debate the "lack of options" as far as unemployment benefits ending and then Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) makes an obvious point. Lack of options? Find a job, there are plenty of small businesses looking for workers. I work somewhere that could use some help and nationwide the news has been that many businesses large & small have been struggling to hire more workers.

And you got people out there thoughtlessly discussing lack of options because unemployment is ending. It's even ending here in Illinois and those who were in no rush to find a job hoping that they can continue to receiving "free money" might have to start scrambling. To expect money to flow in without doing much work as if money grows on trees is unrealistic.

It's amazing that you inject logic into a simple discussion and then the whole debate derails. Finding a job is a logical answer to having a "lack of options". Well whoever responded to Sen. Cruz' retort found that response offensive although hopefully Cruz is probably having himself a laugh at the meltdown.

You know I knew a Republican substitute teacher in high school once. I generally heard what he said while a few louder classmates just didn't agree with him not matter what he said. One thing that I was at odds with was his position that people need to go to work. We're talking the 1990s - oh where did the 90s go - the issue of that time was welfare to work.

In Chicago the city was a few years away from ultimately demolishing the public housing that have become havens for crime and poverty. What that ultimately meant was that you couldn't just live somewhere rent free. And also you just can't expect any gov't to just give you money for rent & food that trough of free money was ending.

Sadly that mentality isn't dying. The entitlement mentality is still around. And while I expect many Americans doesn't want people left behind unable to provide for themselves at the same time many Americans also don't want to be taken advantage of by the entitled.

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