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Sunday, November 01, 2020

Reason: 'This Is the End of the World for Classical Liberalism.'


[VIDEO] Over a week ago interviews humorist P.J. O'Rourke about this election which he refers to Joe Biden's platform as "full of unicorns and flying ponies" while the Donald Trump presidency is "having the inmates run the asylum."

If you don't know what classical liberalism it's the philosophical basis for the American experiment. Joe Biden and the Democrats definitely don't represent the base of classical liberalism as if you believe the former Vice President will be a mere puppet he'll represent the progressive liberal vision. And it's not a good vision, it's higher taxes, it's social justice it really helps America loses it's mojo.

On the other hand Donald Trump probably doesn't represent the best ideas of this classical liberal vision for America. If you believe the progressives, Trump represents fascism and I don't believe that. But I also recognize that like O'Rourke there are many who can't handle Trump's style.

What are your thoughts?

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