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Thursday, September 17, 2020

This is what happens when you contradict a narrative...


[VIDEO] You might have seen this on social media last week. A mother-to-be was arrested by authorities in Australia for essentially flaunting the coronavirus restrictions in Victoria. She used fb to organize a protest against restrictions and that means a gathering of more than a certain amount of people. Can't have that might have an outbreak.

Think about this we had protests most of the summer in many cities. It was about police brutality or about statues or any excuse you can think of and one could argue many of those protests didn't show social distance or mask wearing. Although it seemed it was looked upon negatively when people did protest these lockdowns around America.

Hell, people were complaining about some of President Trump's campaign events especially near the end of the Republican convention last month where I see snippets of media criticizing a lack of social distancing or facemasks. Perhaps some selective outrage during a time of a pandemic that we want to get out of entirely...

Anyway another thing that you might have heard about on FOX News Tucker Carlson had a scientist on to discuss the true origin of this pandemic. And later learned that she's been shut down on twitter. Earlier this summer a pair of doctors from California shared their findings on the effectiveness of the lockdowns and many videos of that were taken down by YouTube.

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