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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Larry Elder: What does BLM really want?


[VIDEO] Larry Elder explores what does BLM really want? Is it the complete abolition of policing? Is it reparations? Is it to "burn" the whole system down?

They're not happy with Black people working in law enforcement. Elder noted how the Rochester Police chief was torpedoed - fired - by the Black mayor there.

Elder noted the brazen shooting of LA County Sheriff's deputed recently and the commentary of a man who witnessed the scene who found this amusing. Two people well two police officers got shot and who knows why and this guy sounds as if this was something to be joked about. I hope it's the trauma of being so close to a tragic situation talking not his true feelings.

BTW, I hear those officers will be OK one was released from the hospital. As stated this was very brazen.

Another word that comes up in this discussion is reparations. Do they want the larger society to just give them things because they represent an oppressed group? Is that what all this looting and rioting is all about?

Think about it. As Elder puts it reparations is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to people who were never slaves. And then once he makes that point he states that BLM activists - actually that term is being too kind and isn't truthful - don't want a return to Judeo-Christian values.

Ah right that whole Marxism/Communism thing, forgot all about that. In most Communist regimes that have existed in history a belief in a higher power other than the Communist state is heavily discouraged.

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