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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

60 years ago


[VIDEO] I wanted to use this excuse to share this video from Mr. Beat who takes a look at the  assassination of the 35th President John Fitzgerald Kennedy which took place 60 years ago today.

I wasn't even thought about in 1963, and can never really appreciate the impact of this tragic event. I might understand the impact of the tragic event of 9/11. Right now people go on-and-on about 1/6/21.

So many people might still obsess over 11/22 because there are more questions than answers about it. People still debate whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald committed this crime. And then what about any roles by the Cubans, the CIA, the FBI, or even the Italian American Mafia.

Oh and Lyndon Baines Johnson, how badly did he want to be President? He was already a larger than life figure who had been relegated to the Vice Presidency, was he willing to go this far?

Again more questions than answers. However, allow me to emphasize that although JFK was only President for almost three years he has a decent record. He faced down the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the economy was in good shape, he provided needed leadership in the emerging Civil Rights debate, and he was just starting his bold vision to send men to the moon & return them back to Earth. Also just remember at 43 he's the youngest man ever elected President and the youngest to die in office at 46.

He was just getting started and it ended quickly. :(

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