
Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Simple Truth: This is a distraction! Stay focused on these important issues!


[VIDEO] Jason Siler of Blue Collar Logic although this video The Simple Truth is now on his own YouTube channel talks about the latest controversy. US Border Patrol using whips on Haitian migrants.

The "whips" are actually reins that horsemen & women use to control their horses. They may also use the reins to help keep people away from the horses. Horses are living beings that get spooked and a spooked horse is a dangerous horse. Sorry about the patronizing here and I'm not even a "horsemen".

Regardless the latest saga on our southern border which depending upon who you follow you're very concerned from what you hear about. And you probably don't buy the narrative of inhumane treatment of these migrants.

And as you see from this video, perhaps like Siler you might see this as nothing more than a distraction.

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