
Friday, September 24, 2021

Red Eagle Politics: Can Virginia flip?


[VIDEO] In Virginia, the governor can't run for a second consecutive term. Basically governors of Virginia usually will only have one four year term and they must stand down to transition the office to a new governor. I believe this is the only state in the union where this is true as most states either allow a governor multiple terms with no limits or often a governor must stand down after two terms.

In 2021 in Virginia the matchup is Glenn Youngkin vs former VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Youngkin is a venture capitalist who was successful in securing the Republican nomination for VA Governor over the summer. Gov. McAuliffe who is known for his association with Bill & Hillary Clinton as well as being a one-time Chairman of the Democrat Nat'l Committee had formerly served as VA Governor from 2014 to 2018. As the Democrat nominee for Governor this year McAuliffe is seeking to regain his former office. 

However, Red Eagle Politics discusses a poll from the University of Mary Washington that shows that this years VA Governor's race is beginning to tighten and potentially Youngkin could become the state 74th governor. Youngkin could become first Republican in eight years as the last one to hold the Governor's office there is Bob McDonnell.

However, the election is not until November so as we can expect things will change through election day. What's not lost upon me is that Viriginia is often portrayed as a state with a blue tint. Last year Virginians voted for Joe Biden for President and for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I've always thought of Virginia as a red state but they've shown that in national elections they will vote Democrat.

Instead of just declaring Virginia as a blue state I may well view them as more purple. All executive offices there are held by Democrats and that could change this year in the 2021 race, the Virginia state General Assembly is held by Democrats. 

Part of the discussion you see above is even if Youngkin falls short in his race, could Republicans overcome the Democrat majority there. The edge for Democrats in the House of Delegates is 10 seats and the state Senate is 3 seats. 

Well perhaps I shall revisit this race in November and see where the numbers lie in the Virginia General Assembly. We shall also see who might actually become Virginia's 74th Governor.

And let's not forget there is one more election this year in the state of New Jersey!

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