
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

O'Reilly: President calls former Congressman Cedric Richmond 'boy'


[VIDEO] Bill O'Reilly notes in fairness that President Biden corrected himself, however, he noted if it had been President Trump or perhaps any other Republican we might not hear the end of this. The current President Joe Biden may well get a pass for this and I do believe he actually misspoke - thus I will make no reference to any cognitive impairment which is often being discussed with Biden.

With this said before I saw the clip of Biden's remarks which is with regards to the recent hurricane that made landfall in Louisiana with regards his senior advisor Richmond I was just about to get upset. I don't think I'd agree with many of Richmond's ideas I'm right of center and he's to the left. At the same time he's my Morehouse brother and he's due a lot more respect than to just be called "boy".

Also President Biden is known for making questionable racial statements. For example when he became president he claimed Black business people don't have lawyers or accountants. A sloppy statement to say the least....

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