
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Stossel: Vaccine still work?


[VIDEO] While Afghanistan continues to dominate the news - depending upon which sources you follow. And then we got that hurricane that made landfall in Louisiana, the coronavirus and the delta variant remains an ongoing concern.

The video above by John Stossel discusses the vaccines that hopefully will curb the spread of this virus. Stossel doesn't buy into the argument of "vaccine mandates". It should be our choice what we want to inject our bodies with. And the noted distrust think Tuskegee Experiment....

All the same I don't want this blog to be the place for any doubt about any inoculations. If you have underlying conditions I will urge you to take the vaccine, especially. And if you have any questions talk to a doctor, if you already have a doctor I'm sure knowing your medical history they will allow you to make the right decision.

I want to move beyond coronavirus as much as anyone. And I definitely hate how the virus, the mitigations and even the vaccines have become very polarizing issues. The issue is moving beyond this not continuing to stoke fear!

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