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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

O'Reilly: Chicago's pathetic mayor


[VIDEO] Bill O'Reilly starts off talking about the response of Mayor Lori Lightfoot to a recent fatal shooting of a police officer Ella French and another police officer was also shot in that incident over the weekend. She is notable in that she is the first Chicago police officer who was shot to death since Lori Lightfoot became mayor in 2019.

O'Reilly doesn't think much of the leadership of Chicago and Illinois. He termed not only Mayor Lightfoot, but Rahm Emanuel and Gov. JB Pritzker as pathetic. According to O'Reilly all had opted not to back our police. Indeed Pritzker did march not long after the unrest of late May with a group for Black Lives Matter. There is a pic of him out there raising his fist in solidarity.

Either way we see what happens when you don't back police. You have Cori Bush a sitting member of Congress who believes defunding police needs to happen as she pays for private security and we see how screwed up a permissive society can be. We're unwilling to put criminals in jail in the name of equity and we see issues.

BTW, I got to find out what's going on in Seattle. A Republican might have a good chance of being elected city attorney there. Could be a trend but got some digging to do.

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