
Friday, August 20, 2021

O'Reilly: The agenda behind Black victimhood


[VIDEO] I'm sure that there will be more to be said about the pandemic and the situation in Afghanistan right now it's a good time to switch gears.

We're going to hit up Bill O'Reilly again tonite by looking at his discussion on No Spin News with Blaze host Jason Whitlock. Whitlock is known as a sports guy for the most part, however, he has been known in recent years to appear primarily on right wing programming on FOX News and in this case on The First with Bill O'Reilly. They discuss the agenda of Black victimhood.

Some things I took away from the discussion. The left in this country wants to define Black people as nothing more than victims of a very flawed American experiment. Any Black accomplishments big or small are often dismissed so that Blacks can remain victims of America. The left wants Blacks to be victims to portray America as a very racist and oppressive nation and force fundamental changes to traditional America - socialism perhaps.

Another great point by Whitlock. Hip-hop/rap music is less about victimhood - the blues could be about victimhood but that's not a popular genre - it's about action. In Whitlock's words a pursuit of a financial rewards for victimizing someone else, well I mean often hip-hop/rap in some cases often talk about criminal activity. Most songs are never about oh woe is me.

When it comes to victimhood most of the action are on social media. If you don't virtue signal on social media then there can be a social price to be paid for your non-adherence to the orthodoxy of victimhood. In Whitlock's observation what works well on social media doesn't always work in the real world on the streets.

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