
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Finding votes in Georgia and calls for impeachment


[VIDEO] This news broke over the weekend and may well affect the Georgia US Senate runoffs today. I was seeing on YouTube uploaded snippets of a call. As ABL would state whatever is reported by some outlets such as the Washington Post whatever was said on the call was taken out of context.

What's going to be portrayed is that the President was hoping that the Georgia Secretary of State can simply manufacture some votes and give Trump Georgia's electoral votes. I think some Republicans or Conservatives, better yet Trump supports have recognized that the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger or the Governor Brian Kemp didn't work that hard in this process. Hell we see Trump supporters and Trump himself give Arizona Governor Doug Ducey a hard time for certifying Arizona's votes.

The bottom line is that we have cases of fraud in places like Georgia and Arizona. I think Trump really won those states but some serious cheating was involved to turn Georgia blue. And it seems we will have some challenges in Congress to votes in Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Georgia although it's not likely this will change anything. Let's tell the truth I think the odds are very slim of anything changing although there are some ongoing legal challenges or appeals.

One weird thing going on though, Trump is on his way out and for Trump's leaked call to Secretary Raffensperger there are some unhinged Democrats who want him impeached again. Which includes members of the Squad, I'm considering this.

Well as I type and publish this post it will be on January 5 and Trump will leave the Presidency if there is no other weirdness on January 20th. US Rep. Ilhan Omar isn't exactly wrong there is no time limit on impeachment regardless of how much longer he will remain in office, however, if the impeachment trial of Rod Blagojevich from December 2008 through January 2009 is any indication it took about a whole month for the process to go forward. In my mind, that process which began not too long after Governor Blagojevich's arrest by federal authorities it still took a month for it to play out.

I understand they used rules from Clinton's impeachment so granted we're talking about a state process vs a federal process, however, there is some overlap. I think states generally would use some federal rules and thus the federal process isn't much different. I think Rep. Omar is just ignorant of the process and either this makes for a good soundbite or she's very serious about this which is troubling.

I mean President Trump is really a lame duck at this point, and I don't foresee anything changing that.

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