
Saturday, January 02, 2021

Conservatives turn on police


[VIDEO] To have watched this earlier this afternoon from Tim Pool is very shocking. Conservatives are turning against the police.

It's really about the pandemic and it's conduct and unfortunately police are called upon to enforce the many mandates in place for coronavirus. Wear a mask, social distancing, limiting numbers at a gathering, coming into homes to enforce mandates, etc. I could keep going.

In Salem, Oregon there was a protest against the mitigation measures there and unfortunately those who may be conservative are now saying fcuk the police. Now it's getting scary, and I see this as a case of the police have a job to do and unfortunately that means enforcing these mandates.

It was in the news that California will have an indefinite lockdown - actually two regions in California will have indefinite lockdowns. And increasingly I see Americans - and certainly citizens of other nations getting weary of these mitigation measures. We hear from our nation's public health officials that although we have a vaccine coming it'll be a minute before we get back to normal we still have to socially distance or wear masks or have other restrictions.

It seems our public officials are deadset on locking down the nation and deciding what work is essential or what travel is necessary. Continuing to control who goes where or how many for a holiday gathering. Even attempting to limit god-given rights of assembly or protest while allowing the more destructive amongst us to continue to destroy. Times are getting weird.

And then add that the Congress will certify with objections from both chambers the electoral votes of President-elect Joe Biden were in very uncharted territory due to this ongoing tragedy of the pandemic. Here's hoping 2021 emerges in a better state than we left behind 2020.

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