
Monday, October 12, 2020

Sometimes 'snitching' is OK


[VIDEO] I wanted to share this with you yesterday.

With all this unrest that occurred over the summer in the wake of George Floyd's demise in police custody and other excuses - unjust or not - this is a bit surprising. Honestly I don't see much difference between BLM or Antifa because evidently they now appear from my eyes to be very destructive ideas.

A young woman representing BLM in Chicago stated for TV cameras how she believes looting is a form of reparations saying these businesses will recover they have insurance. And Tim Pool noted in the video above the white faces (you might see them in the YouTube thumbnail) arrested in Portland, Oregon for their attempt at an unauthorized assembly. And the most amazing thing happened if you believe Pool's headline BLM snitched on them!

Allow me to put this in perspective, Portland hadn't settled down in over four months. They've probably settled down a lot more by now as authorities there - the Oregon State Police has been federally deputized - have gotten more aggressive in their tactics to quell the ongoing unrest there. Perhaps with what happened over the weekend it might settle down more.

Although, one thing that seems to happen there is the police will arrest the people involved with the unrest and the local prosecutor will turn around and not press charges and release them. Either way what if as Pool surmises these individuals get tired of being arrested and released.

Either way here's why I think this is amazing. I stated that BLM isn't different in my mind than Antifa right? Well all this unrest around America is over racial injustice and as Pool goes over this a person outright charges Antifa with using hijacking BLM to justify their violent activities. BLM has been characterized as a Black movement and needs to be lead by Blacks not by spoiled rich brats who seem to want to latch on to this.

Either way the weather in some parts of the nation is starting to get colder. We're getting a bit more worried about any rise in coronavirus cases as we head into flu season. There's also an election, we're beginning to see how this ongoing unrest in America will hopefully begin to settle down.

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