
Sunday, October 04, 2020

Real white privilege

I have to share this from Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit from October 2nd: "When social justice is privileged white people destroying Black neighborhoods"

That post links to a N.Y. Times piece from a member of their editorial board with the subtitle: "'Insurrectionary anarchists' have been protesting for racial justice all summer. Some Black leaders wish they would go home."

Allow me to excerpt:

That’s the thing about “insurrectionary anarchists.” They make fickle allies. If they help you get into power, they will try to oust you the following day, since power is what they are against. Many of them don’t even vote. They are experts at unraveling an old order but considerably less skilled at building a new one. That’s why, even after more than 100 days of protest in Portland, activists do not agree on a set of common policy goals.

Even some anarchists admit as much.

“We are not sure if the socialist, communist, democratic or even anarchist utopia is possible,” a voice on “The Ex-Worker” podcast intones. “Rather, some insurrectionary anarchists believe that the meaning of being an anarchist lies in the struggle itself and what that struggle reveals.”

In other words, it’s not really about George Floyd or Black lives, but insurrection for insurrection’s sake.

So they don't know what they want. They want mayhem and chaos. They want to tear down statues because many of them - and I'm not talking about the Confederate statues - represent the best of America. They may attack politicians who are sympathetic to BLM because they represent the system, it doesn't matter if these are progressives who are well meaning but just choosing to pander as a safe bet.

And why I say real white privilege check out this article out of NY. Rioting is the voice of the unheard, how unheard are you if you have privilege? Are the unheard the people who's city you're choosing to destroy to fill some empty need? 

It sure is white privilege to say "fcuk the police" when you live in a nice community of your own, especially if it's protected by an effective police department. Meanwhile you leave those communities of folks you purport to fight for vulnerable. Beware of your allies, they may not have your best interests at heart.

BTW, back to the NY Times piece. They discuss the work of one Jeremy Lee Quinn who actually works in media though furloughed. He's been looking at these so-called "insurrectory anarachists" he's been marching with them. He's noting the weirdness and has documented them on his own site at Public Report. So I would like very much to check out his work in the near future.


Eddie said...

There's all kinds of Whites in our Black communities:

Whites who never left the community, when it changed from White to Black,

Whites who move into Black communities,

Whites in government, such as Bob Rita, Don Harmon, the late Phil Rock,

Whites in business,

Whites buying drugs,

White police.

Before BLM, there's already six kinds of Whites in Black communities. Σ(ಠ_ಠ)

Levois said...

Most of those I'd have little problems with. The ones I'd have an issue with are those who come to cause problems in Black communities. Well intentioned or otherwise and I mean causing riots and disturbances especially.

Eddie said...

Well yes, I agree. ತ_ತ

I disagree with anyone trouble. ಠ﹏ಠ

Eddie said...

The McHenry County Board has a Black Republican, Chuck Wheeler (*_*)

Levois said...

Well Eddie, what’s the saying Black Republicans are out there. :)

Eddie said...

Levois, I know Black Republicans exist, but I never heard the saying. I know they're rare, considering most Blacks are Democrats. ಠ ೧ ಠ

Chicago's first Black Republican congressperson was Oscar DePriest (1929-1935). (*_*)

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