
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Does American socialists want the Scandinavian model?

[VIDEO] The left in this country these so-called progressive liberals want socialism. They like to talk about helping the poor and making the rich pay their "fair share" in taxes - in fact we're undergoing that debate in Illinois where voters in November will vote on a graduated income tax to replace our flat income tax here. However what's the difference between Scandinavian socialism vs the socialism in a place like Venezuela. We see this video above from Prager U with Debbie D.Souza

Well for starters Scandinavian nations Denmark, Norway and Sweden aren't as apt to make the rich pay their fair share. All citizens have to pay into the system. They're essentially capitalist nations that still have thriving businesses and are great places to do business. Raising the minimum wage to $15/hr has become the rage in many "progressive liberal" or blue states however in the Scandinavian region there is no state mandated minimum wage. You still have options for private education or health insurance.

As far as capitalism is all wealth creation and socialism is wealth redistribution. Those go hand in hand doesn't it? If there's no money how do we afford these wonderful things we expect gov't to provide?

Anyway, according to D'Souza the progressive liberal American left reject the Scandinavian model. They seem to prefer the Venezuelan model the one that is based on sowing social division. We go from rich vs. poor to racial divisions. Wait isn't that what's been going on over the summer division according racial lines here in America...

As you go through the video you might see some similarities with the worst of the unrest here in this nation collectivos there vs. Antifa here. They don't exist in Scandinavian and that's not to say they have their own issues. However, beware of what Bernie Sanders and/or the Squad of Congress advocate for. Do they want to take us to Stockholm or do they want to take us to Caracas?

BTW, this is sort of related. This video from last year from John Stossel takes a look at the situation in Venezuela. It seems they've been quiet lately it's probably the pandemic certainly and it seems there are a lot of issues here taking our attention also. [VIDEO]

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