
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

ABL: BLM Removes THIS Controversial Page From Their Website


[VIDEO] My favorite saying as of late is that I support BLM in principle, however, I do not support the organization. The above video shows one reason, and of course I can't support the riots in the name of BLM.

We live in America and our culture is often built upon distrust of authority. Of course we want a fair justice system, we want a police that serves and protects. So what's BLM?

My view of BLM is that they could care less about a fair justice system or a police that serves and protects. They want to upend society as we know it.

With this said Anthony Brian Logan looks at BLM's about page, the nat'l organization. You see a number of things that involve disrupting the nuclear family or collective value (Marxism). You hardly see anything about heterosexual men - of course as ABL argues this organization will be out for any reason to come out for the death of a Black man. They talk about helping mothers however they mention nothing about fathers.

Anyway, ABL is talking this because recently they removed their about page from their website. This was discussed over the course of the summer in a variety of places so this isn't new. However after the initial unrest at the end of May 2020 BLM got a lot of financial support and even Tucker Carlson recognized them as a very potent political movement. However, as we still see unrest out there around the nation and in Kentucky they've announced a state of emergency in Louisville in the case of Breonna Taylor we see how BLM support is beginning to wane. Americans are tired of the riots, and I suspect that BLM is still trying to wage a PR battle thus to change their image.

In the morning, I hope to share Larry Elder's latest video and he asks one question which is related to what ABL explores here. What does BLM actually want?

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