
Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Stroger Beat

Well it appears that the nomination of the former County Board President John Stroger back in March and the nomination of his son over the summer to replace him on the ticket may have some ramifications for the mayoral election next year. I'm gonna lift a quote from The Capitol Fax Blog...

Peraica’s loss, or, rather, the sight of the Chicago machine hauling first John and then Todd Stroger across the finish line undoubtedly contributed to the decision by Congressmen Jesse Jackson, Jr. and Luis Gutierrez not to run for mayor next year, no matter what they say. If the machine can nominate a stroke victim and elect his not exactly over-qualified son, then doze guys can do just about anything… Except evade the feds.

A federal grand jury is demanding records from City Hall regarding injury claims of city workers, a move that comes two weeks after the Sun-Times reported Chicago patronage workers claim to be hurt at a rate that exceeds the nation’s most dangerous jobs.
Also noted was that Peraica lost his race for the county board presidency by about a 100, 000 votes. Much better than Topinka for Governor who lost by 470,000. He did retain his county board seat though.

I just had to add the additional stuff about the feds. This was what the election should have been about, but voters had to have held their noses in this election. A lot of people complained about Peraica's antics during that time the count appeared that he was losing. Some even going so far to say they're not that disappointed he lost.

One thing I can say is this guy came out swinging. Something I wouldn't mind seeing a lot more politicians do. I suppose the question is that you have to know when.

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